@article{oai:kinran.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000349, author = {登喜, 和江}, month = {2018-03-15}, note = {本研究の目的は,脳卒中患者に対して看護介入としての足浴とマッサージの効果を検討することである.本研究は,脳卒中患者20名に対して,足浴とマッサージの介入を行う準実験研究デザインで行った.足浴は,41.0~42.0℃の湯温に下腿を15分間浸漬する方法で,マッサージは,15分間の下腿マッサージを行う方法である.評価指標には,体感温度(温かさ)と快適さによる主観的評価と生理指標(血圧,心拍変動,脳波)を用いた.痛みしびれのある被験者は,その強さ(VAS)の変化も確認した.結果,体感温度(温かさ)と快適さは足浴とマッサージ共に有意に上昇した.また,生理指標としての心拍数は足浴では変化はなく,マッサージでは有意に低下した.さらに,痛みしびれのある者のVAS値は足浴とマッサージ共に有意に低下した.副交感神経の活性を示すHFは,マッサージでは有意に上昇した.以上のことから,脳卒中患者に対する足浴とマッサージは,心地よさをもたらす安全な看護介入であるといえる., The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of foot bath and massage as a nursing intervention in stroke patients. In this study, twenty stroke patients were treated with a quasi-experimental research design that involved foot bath and massage interventions. The foot bath is a method in which the lower leg is immersed for 15 minutes in hot water with a temperature of 41.0 to 42.0℃, and the massage is a 15-minute massage on the lower thighs. Evaluation indices included a subjective assessment, based on sensible temperature (warmth) and comfort, and physiological indices (blood pressure, heart rate variability, electroencephalogram). We also evaluated the change in their strength by VAS for the subjects with numbness and pain. The results of the study indicate that sensory temperature (warmth) and comfort increased significantly with foot bath and massage. Also, the heart rate, a physiological index, did not change in the foot bath and decreased significantly in the massage. In addition, the VAS for the subjects with pain and numbness significantly decreased with both foot baths and massages. The HF showing the activity of parasympathetic nerves rose significantly in the massages. The above findings indicate that foot bath and massage for stroke patients are safe nursing interventions that bring comfort., 12}, pages = {87--93}, volume = {14}, year = {}, yomi = {トキ, カズエ} }